Thursday, October 27, 2011

What is this?

Why Scuba Donkey?  

Scuba Donkey was conceived in an Opel Astra in the mountains of Provence. The Opel Astra, if you don't know, is essentially a glorified golf cart that has no business on any road with even the slightest incline.  I didn't know.  I thought I was being frugal by renting the cheapest car with manual transmission to scoot around the back roads in the south of France with my beloved Gwendolyn.

I was not being frugal.  I was being ignorantly suicidal.  The Opel Astra has absolutely no pick-up whatsoever.  Pick-up is something you want when driving through the hilly regions of Provence.

So, to distract ourselves from the certain doom we faced as we hurtled down a particularly curvy & up-and-downy stretch of road, Gwen & I came up with a list of words that were fun to say.  Between screams ("Watch out!" "He's heading straight for us!" & "Oh, my God! This is it!") we determined that the words scuba & donkey, among others, we're actually kind of fun to utter out loud.  You try it.  Do it now.


I like combining accents.  I recommend equal parts Jim Carrey from " The Mask" & Mike Meyers from "Shrek"  to come up with a creepy Scottish vibe.  Let the breath trail off during the last syllable.  

Scuba donkeeeeaahhhhhh!

This isn't really a travel blog, although we'll post our travel stories.  It's more of a commentary on why we like the things we like.   We don't just want to see the world, we want to experience it.  The process of discussing & analyzing the day's events & then trying to record it in an artistic or funny way helps in a huge way to appreciate what we've just been through.  And by sharing our suggestions & warnings with you maybe we can save you some time or angst should you find yourself in the same part of the world.

These, then, are the chronicles of the Scuba Donkey.  A collection of narratives detailing our adventures as we roam the earth seeking out the things we love & identifying those we could live without.  We invite you to participate in the process.

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