Friday, May 27, 2011

Scuba Donkey in Nice- M & G

So, we are 10 days in to our grand adventure and Scuba Donkey has arisen from the warped imagination of a man who walked around Monaco today looking like a blend of Jerry Garcia meets Napoleon Dynamite. It's the only day so far where the French didn't even try to greet us with a bonjour- they just jumped straight to English. I'm guessing it was the white socks pulled half way up the shins!

In the past 10 days, we have come to the conclusion that we are the perfect match and a great team. Neither one of us are particularly fond of scuba diving or donkeys, and getting out of the car to motion angry Frenchmen around Mario while our car is stalled on an incline so that he doesn't get out and kill them works out particularly well for both of us! -gg

I did NOT have my socks pulled halfway up my shins. In fact, I looked every bit the debonnair adventurer with my tie-dyed t-shirt & my traveler's Capri cargo pants. -Marchaus

Some of our observations thus far:
1. When driving in France, no matter how heavy the traffic, it is perfectly acceptable to stop in whatever lane you happen to be traveling in and have a conversation with a pedestrian.
Any honking from your fellow drivers is to be viewed as encouragement for your social grace.
2. Apparently, it is a grand thing to seek death by tourist for Gallic motorcyclists & scooter enthusiasts.
3. While at a beachside restaurant in Cannes, Frank from Bruges dressed in only the finest of Ralph Lauren pinks (shirt and pants) reminded us that "One must enjoy the little things in life"! This was just before the arrival of our $25 Carpaccio and his suggestion that we try Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt's propietary Pink Floyd blush wine.
4. In Avignon, Mojitos are inexplicably served with a marshmallow garnish.
5. The freedom to be as weird as you want is essential to a healthy and fulfilling life. (This point was illustrated perfectly with Mario's fine choice of ensemble. photos will follow)
6. Nice is not remotely nice (it is clearly not dependent on American tourist dollars), but Aix, Avignon, and Antibes are amazing!
7. The Hotel Nice Garden is unimpressive at first glance. In fact, it is snugly nestled between an adult bookstore & a head shop. However, it really does sport a very nice garden as well as a lovely & accommodating staff.

M's Photo from the Train Station

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are having such a great time!
    Love you!
