Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You wanna fragglerock with that? -M

May 30, 7:15 pm Firenze

In a cafe, high up overlooking Florence. The city was glowing yellow as the sun began her preparations to set. The waiter asked us what we want to drink. "A Mojito," says Gwen simply. Of course, I am an adventurer, so I ordered something that reads like Caprioska or whatever. The menu claims the drink arrives with vodka, lime & sugarcane. Our waiter asked if I prefer limon or fragglerock(!). I never cared much for that show & besides, I wanted the lime. "Limon!" I declared, clearly & without hesitation. Twenty minutes later our drinks arrived. Gwen's Mojito was strong & tangy. I got strawberries soaked in vodka with two pink straws.

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