Thursday, June 9, 2011

Giovanni, Justin, Smart cars & Cigarettes -G

June 7-
Giovanni, Justin, Smart cars & Cigarettes

Today is the seventh of June. It is our last night in Rome.
Rome defies expectation. There is no comparison.

In Rome, there are cigarettes hanging from the lips of old men in suits driving beat up old fiats down narrow cobblestone streets inches away from tourist's feet.

In Rome, there are seventy year old women in high heels, flawlessly tailored dresses, long scarves, large floppy hats and bright red lipstick riding their bicycles past cafes next to 2,000 year old structures with ancient Roman columns.

There are flat black painted racing style 4 door smart cars, red smart cars, green smart cars, white smart cars, blue ones, yellow ones... In Rome, everyone has a smart car- or a fancy Alfa Romeo.

In Rome, if you close your eyes and stand at an intersection of narrow streets ending in a piazza with names like Cinque Lune, Navona, Salvatore In Lauro you will smell truffle oil and garlic. You will hear the ringing of bicycle bells and the sonorous poetry of a language spoken like the most beautiful love song colliding with a passionate fight of lovers. You will feel the humidity on your skin, the heat of the sun and maybe the mist of a few raindrops from a small passing cloud. You will be aware of the pounding of your feet and you will feel the smile on your face.

In Rome, you can fill 4 days of your beautiful life taking in the complete history of the modern world. You can visit the Pope, see The Colosseum, explore the roman forum in the pouring rain where the moss on the ancient stone glows a vibrant green, visit the creations of Michelangelo and Caravaggio and eat food that redefines every morsel that has ever touched your lips.

In Rome you can feel at home in Giovanni's pub with every American sports pendant on the wall and turn a few corners to meet the columns of The Parthenon originally built to honor Pagan Gods.

In Rome, you can meet up for a drink with the son of your good friends from home while on his after college tour of Europe - knowing well that the meeting wasn't like any other. It was a chance to meet in ROME to celebrate travel and the stories, surprises, adventures & uncertainty that comes with it.  When else in life can you discuss Nigerians under the bleachers, potential German wives, Cinque Terre, absinthe bars in Antibes , and the cast of the Jersey Shore all with recent personal reference points?

In Rome, you can grab a cannoli from the pastry shop across from your hotel and eat it in bed while blogging about your day.

I love Rome.

1 comment:

  1. And we love you. Beautiful experiences beautifully expressed.
