Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pudding- M

June 7. Tuesday

Giovanni, the gentleman who prepared my absinthe, told me that part of the problem with Rome, aside from the tourist gouging umbrella salesmen, is that there is so much art, culture & overall beauty that the locals take it for granted. This may be so. We all too often take for granted the place where we live.

Today, we saw oodles (oodles I tell you!) of Carravagios. I stood inches away from a Christ as imagined by Michaelangelo. I snapped away on my camera at my lovely Gwendolyn as she sat in the cathedral & the light hit her just so. I had delicious pasta. And what's the story with the mozzarella here? It's like...


Gwen purchased the blueberriest blueberries I've ever tasted. The man running the fruit stand at the market gave her two bonus cherries which were plump & awesome. We took pictures of flowers & doors & walls.

And as I thought of all these things, I said to Giovanni, "Too much is always better than not enough.". And Giovanni, who is a most excellent fellow, poured me another absinthe.

Did I mention the colors?

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